Coaching Programs
Coaching programs allow for individuals and groups to go deeper with Marquissa in learning to developing and hone in on their leadership styles. As result, participants become more effective in engaging their staff, volunteers, resolving conflict, by understanding and celebrating the unique ability of the individuals that support their team, organization or corporation.
Liberated to Lead-Group Coaching Program
This 4-week interactive, group coaching program will cover the following:
Live Interaction-Group Discussions
Creating Your Personal Commitment Statement
Overcoming Road Blocks to Leading Authentically
Self- Discovery Session-Identifying Your Leadership Style
Encouragement Session- You are Relevant-You Can Do It!
Empowerment Session-How to Embrace Your Talents and Abilities

Coming Again Soon!
Moms on Purpose: Individual Coaching Session
This 30 minute session is intended to help busy moms discover their purpose and motivate them to move into their roles as leading ladies and pursue their passion in their own lives and communities. This session includes the following:
FREE Busy Moms Quiz
Purpose Clarifying Exercise
Self-Discovery Assessment